Cumberland Adult Network for Upgrading

Education for Adults
We help you reach your goals
Community Partners

Addiction Services is committed to promoting the health of Nova Scotians by providing specialized addiction prevention and treatment services to individuals, families and communities.
In northern Nova Scotia addiction programming is offered through a tri-district partnership between the Cumberland, Colchester East Hants and Pictou county health authorities. Through this partnership a wide range of quality treatment and rehabilitation services is offered for those affected by either alcohol, other drugs and/or gambling problems. These services are available to the individual directly and/or to concerned family members and friends. Addiction Services also provides community prevention and education programs aimed at preventing and reducing the negative consequences that occur from becoming harmfully involved with alcohol, other drugs and/or gambling.

Cumberland Public Libraries' mission is to promote life-long learning and recreation, fostering an appreciation of literature at all ages, by providing free access to the world of media and technology to the residents of Cumberland County. Visit the website to learn more about what the library has to offer.
CAN-U is located on the second floor of the Four Fathers Memorial Library.​

The mandate of CANSA is to provide the best service and advice to citizens of Cumberland County. CANSA will advocate on their behalf to ensure they have fair and equitable access to:
Full and equal employment opportunities
Programs and services offered through CANSA
Participate in the decision-making process with respect to issues that affect their community
Promote an education system that provides quality programs relevant to the history and culture of Cumberland County residents
The vision of CANSA is that all citizens, including persons with disabilities, African Nova Scotians, and youth-at-risk, be respected and grow socially, economically, and culturally in Cumberland County.​

Autumn House is a 9-bed safe shelter for women and children experiencing family violence. The shelter and crisis line are staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and our phone lines are always open.
Services are offered at no cost and are completely confidential.
They also provide community support, individual and group counselling for women, children and men.

Cumberland Mental Health Services is a Community Program of Cumberland Health Authority. A caring, dedicated and experienced Mental Health Services team serves the communities of Cumberland County. Their team works in partnership with community organizations, individuals and their families to provide support and treatment for a wide range of mental health needs. They serve all age groups.​

The Cumberland Early Intervention Program is a family-centred organization that serves children with special needs and their families in their homes and communities. Through education, advocacy, and partnerships they promote potential and build a positive view of the future.

The Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.

The Lillian Allbon Animal Shelter is an independent shelter which cares for and re-homes stray or neglected dogs and cats in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. At the Shelter, they provide love and care, but they are not a replacement for the loving home that all companion animals deserve. If you are looking to adopt a cat or dog please try the Lillian Allbon Animal Shelter first.

NSCC is one of Nova Scotia's largest and most diverse families. Each year, almost 24,000 students choose to grow and learn with NSCC. Magical things happen at NSCC and because education has power. It transforms individuals, families and communities in extraordinary ways.
NSCC makes things happen. It's growing the economy of Nova Scotia, producing highly skilled workers, and building communities: Nova Scotia's college.

New Directions is a program of the Cumberland County Transition House Association (Autumn House) that offers assistance to men who engage in abusive behaviour. They are a closed-group program that covers 20 or more topics. They meet once a week for 2 hours. There are 10-12 men in the group. Confidentiality is respected which creates a safe environment for you to go and share your experiences, explore your options, and work on changing your abusive behaviour.

Maggie’s Place offers programs for adults and children including prenatal/postnatal support, child development programs for preschoolers, and programs for school-aged children, youth and teens.
Maggie’s Place will gladly answer your questions regarding parenting, pregnancy, nutrition, and many more issues.
All Maggie’s Place programs and services are free of charge.

Public health works with others to understand the health of our communities and acts together to improve health.

The Amherst Food Assistance Network Association provides food for families in need. The Food Bank is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week (52 weeks) during the year, and is operated by volunteers.

The Sexual Health Centre for Cumberland County (SHCCC) is a non-profit, charitable organization that promotes sexual health in an environment that respects and supports individual choice.

The YMCA of Cumberland is a charitable organization responsible for the development of our local and global communities in spirit, mind, and body.

To learn about the other service organizations in Cumberland County, and how to contact them, access the Cumberland County Helping Tree.

Established in 2018, CHHSA is Cumberland County's first permanent emergency shelter. They offer emergency shelter beds, showers and bathrooms, 3 meals per day, laundry for guests and residents, charging stations and supportive housing units. If you are a member of the public with the capacity to do so, please consider donating to support their continued efforts to provide a safe haven for residents experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Cumberland County.